Event Promotion
When a Loan Officer or Realtor want to go to an event but don't go, they tend to want to see what is happening on while its going on. FOMO is real. As a 15 year Mortgage Loan Officer veteran, I know the feeling first hand. I used to stalk everyones social media to see what was going on wishing I was there.
Generally, these videos or picture posts were just a picture of a well known Mortgage or Real Estate Celeberity. Brand Positioning is the play the attendee is going for, and it does work. Seeing a picture of you next to Barry Habib or Ryan Serhant is not only cool, its shows you are with the people who are epic in your industry. You come across as a leader, an influencer and with the crowd that all would want to be a part of.
What does that do for YOUR event though? Great you have people making posts and stories about your event.
What is your influence objective?
I argue you should want every single Loan Officer and Realtor in the country to have FOMO so hard that they CAN NOT miss YOUR next event.
Thats where Team Get It Done comes in. The team creates content on the spot that is professional quality and easily shared by the event team. Rather than share each and every attendee's story and post, which there is nothing wrong with, you can post and share high quality social posts, on the spot, same day, and immediately after the event.
To often event organizers drip content from the event weeks or even months later after the buzz has worn off. While other events are happening and promoting, there is the post from your event months ago. There is nothing wrong with this. It should be done. The effect is not nearly as powerful as on the spot.

Large Events
Two or more days, 10 or more speakers
Vendor Hall
Edify your vendor hall
Show connections being made
Smaller Events
Half Day, 1 Day, 5 or less speakers
Pre Event
Behind this scenes set up
After Parties
Let the FOMO sink in